Creation of successful websites.

Technology & creativity.

Specialized in the creation of custom-designed website, MangoLight web agency accompanies you throughout your web project. From conception to the launch, MangoLight puts all its experience, creativity and heart to realize the solution your business needs.

Web platform
website creation
and consulting

Expertise & carefulness.

Holder of a Master degree in IT applied to business management, I help since 2010 organizations like yours to take advantage of the web to boost their activity. It is with pleasure that I will realize your project if you give me that responsibility.

©MangoLight / M. Nicolas Thomas - SIRET n°52526593000020 - Code APE 6202A - 2010-2025. All rights reserved.
Website creation - Website creation in Dinard - Saint-Malo and Dinan in Bretagne / Brittain (France) - Professionnal in e-commerce website creation, platform and web-application. Freelance, Web designer, Developer, Webmaster, SEO, Search Engine Optimization - Communication Agency and Web Agency MangoLight located in Dinard (France).